What We Do

Too often when Christians gather for an event concerning politics, the general public assumes it’s about them, but rarely thinks it’s for them. Our Summit sends a clear message: Christians will no longer be mindlessly drafted into a political sectarianism that rewards contempt, fear, and calloused anger. Instead, we will gather with joyful confidence in what we have to offer in loving service to our neighbors, and we invite the public to the conversation.

"For the Good of the Public" offers an annual opportunity to hear from leading voices on issues of public importance, and to consider the resources Christianity has to offer for the public good.

See below for a recap of our 2023 Inaugural Summit.

For the Good of the Public


2023 Inaugural Summit

November 6-7, 2023
Capital Turnaround, Washington, DC

Program Highlights:

Eboo Patel, Interfaith America; Liz Bruenig, the Atlantic; Dr. CJ Rhodes, pastor of the historic Mt Helm Church in Jackson, MS; Rev. Eugene Cho, Bread for the World; Christine Emba, the Washington Post; Gary Haugen, CEO of International Justice Mission; Dr. Rosalind Picard, MIT; U.S. Senator Chris Murphy; and U.S. Senator Chris Coons


Partnerships are central to our vision for this conference. We are grateful to the following organizations for their sponsorship of CCPL’s inaugural summit.

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