The kind of people we are has much to do with the kind of politics we will have.

The Spirit of Our Politics

by Michael Wear

In this profound and hope-filled book, CCPL’s Founder and President, Michael Wear, argues that by focusing on having the "right" politics, we lose sight of the kind of people we are becoming, to destructive results. When political division shows up not only on the campaign trail but also at our dinner tables, we wonder: Can we be part of a better way? The Spirit of Our Politics says "yes," offering a distinctly Christian approach to politics that results in healing rather than division, kindness rather than hatred, and hope rather than despair.

Download CCPL’s complimentary discussion guide with chapter-by-chapter questions for personal reflection or communal reading, a suggested reading plan, and access to a live Q&A with Michael. Buy the book and sign up with your order number to get the discussion guide today.

The fate of American democracy is tied to the character of Christianity in this country.

That’s why our mission is to contend for the credibility of Christian resources for the public good.

We advance our mission through two complementary streams of work which need and rely on one another.


We explain Christianity to the public, and advance Christian resources for the good of the public.


We grow, support, convene and represent the community of Christians who are convinced of the centrality of spiritual formation for civic renewal.

Current Programs:


CCPL’s Annual Summit “For the Good of the Public”

An annual conference in Washington D.C. sharing a positive and hopeful vision for Christian contribution to our politics and public life.


Public Life Fellowship

Our “Civic Accelerator” program provides life-changing, civic-shaping resources and community for Christian civic leaders to support and strengthen their service to the public.


Young Professionals Network

A cross-partisan community of young Christian professionals that gathers regularly to learn together and support one another.

We have a big mission and a comprehensive vision for advancing that mission.

With your support, we will advance our Public Imagination work through a fully-fledged research think tank that will drive our public influence work by producing events, research and other products and services. We will advance work in the stream of Christian Civic Formation through an ecosystem of complimentary environments serving varied populations (civic leaders, elected officials, college students) with resources for spiritual formation, and civic education and training. 

We are looking for mission-aligned donors and philanthropic institutions to support this work at a significant level. Reach out at if our work aligns with your aspirations for Christian participation in public life, and a healthier politics for all Americans.

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You’ll receive personal communication about CCPL’s work from Michael Wear, CCPL’s Founder & President, and learn more about how you can partner with us. We respect your privacy.